Sunday, December 9, 2012

To finals!

Today was our Christmas program in sacrament meeting. While the choir was up there singing multiple Christmas hymns, I could not help but think, "I really do love all of them. I love all people!" What a wonderful sentiment! What a wonderful attitude to have.
I am feeling pretty good. I am not really stressed at all for finals, which may not be a good thing...
I am very excited to go home. I know five finals stand in the way of that, but I have got this under control. I am feeling happy. I am feeling positive. I am feeling love for the world. What could go wrong?
Perhaps the same disappointment I just recently wrote about?
In the end, none of this matters, anyway. So, I shall not let gray hairs appear or an eye twitch develop over something that is not even going to matter in a short time.

I bid this blog adieu.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

College can be pretty frustrating sometimes. I guess I feel as though being a junior-and-a-half in college, I should be at the point where there are no surprises anymore. And definitely no more slaps in the face... Maybe I feel like at this point in my college career and even life, I should be responsible and experienced enough to no longer makes mistakes? However, this is not the case. We will always be making mistakes in life, no matter what age or where we are. So, even as a junior in college, I will still makes mistakes and receive grades I am not proud of.
We are never perfect in this life. Each day we are trying to learn and progress. We cannot progress if we have nothing to learn from. We learn from our mistakes.
And what I really need to realize is that college is not going to get easier just because I am further along in it. So I need to accept "unacceptable" grades and move on... Because that was certainly not the last one.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I really do not ever get stressed. It's just not in my nature. If I have tons of assignments due, I am pretty good about scheduling each day out to accomplish all that I  have to. I also work very well under pressure, which is why I procrastinate on everything. The pressure relieves the stress.
However, my roommates all stress a lot. They will spend hours in the library every night. Yesterday they spent the entire day in the library. I decided to clean the entire apartment while they were gone so that they could come home to a nice clean apartment they did not have to worry about.
It was a simple gesture and easy to accomplish for me. I felt good knowing they would be able to walk in to a clean apartment after a stressful day doing work.
This assignment also really helped my realize how I do never get stressed. So I could have done something for just about anyone because they are most likely more stressed than me.
I like to just live life simply. It's a good time.
So clean apartment and stress free makes for a good upcoming week of the last days of classes.
I am beyond excited for this semester to be over.
It would be pretty cool if next semester didn't exist and we could just jump to spring.