Saturday, November 24, 2012

Yesterday I took a day trip to Moab and it was beautiful.
What a life!
Then I got my first speeding ticket on the way home...
For going 17 miles over the speed limit. My bad.
I really need to grow up in multiple ways. Whenever I do something irresponsible and disappointing, I realize how much growing up I still need to do.
It's crazy to me to think that girls my age are getting married or have been married for even more than one year...
I got a boot on my tire and then a speeding ticket all within one week.
How do you even learn how to pay bills and such?
Granted, I am only TWENTY. Perhaps I lose sight of what being a 20 year old girl is actually supposed to be like in respect to the rest of the world.
It doesn't have to mean married with 3 children...
Can I just go home now?

Friday, November 16, 2012

just my luck.

Just found a lovely yellow boot on my tire. I hope that is not a sign of what this whole weekend will be like.
Why does parking enforcement have to exist?
And why can't there be better parking south of campus?
At least it's pay day.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Something I realized this week is that there is nothing to fear. Ever.
So Obama was reelected. That's okay. Because there is a higher power who leads us. He knows all and He wants the best for us. He will not lead us astray. He will always protect us. I am not scared nor worried about the outcome of the election. I know that I have a Savior and I know everything will be okay in the end.
I am not scared about anything in life.
This was an incredible week. So many blessings.
My roommate got her mission call to Australia. Wow.
I wish Thanksgiving would be here already. I also wish there weren't so many assignments due before it gets here.

Life is wonderful though.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tonight my roommate informed me that her parents decided that this Christmas, they would use all of the money they would normally spend on gifts for each other, on sending different supplies to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. I was so unbelievably touched. Especially because I know many people who are in need of things because of how badly they were affected. I am so incredibly grateful for that decision of theirs. I am also so grateful for all of the people that have been offering aid and support to the victims of this natural disaster. We should always be trying to reach out and help others in big and small ways. We should be reaching out in any way that we can. We should always be following the example of Christ: to love and serve everyone. My heart still goes out to all of those in the place I call home who are still suffering from this event.
On an unrelated note, the Walking Dead was crazy tonight and blew my mind. I cried and cried when Lori died. And Daryl! Oh, my heart.
I can't wait for Lincoln to come out.
I also can't wait for Thanksgiving.
It'll be swell.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I voted! I sent in my absentee ballot on Tuesday and I just feel wonderful. This was my first time voting so I was very excited. I do believe that voting is a privilege to be taken advantage of. Right when I turned 18 I registered to vote. And I sent for my absentee ballot about two months ago. It feels good to have completed my civic duty.
My home state was just hit by a huge hurricane. My family was extremely fortunate to have not received any severe damage. Though the surrounding cities were not as lucky. There were tons of homes and buildings destroyed due to the flooding and winds. It has definitely been a terrible experience NJ has never forgone. However, I have great faith in my home state to rebuild what once was and regain their reputation as a place of wholesome family-fun.
NJ often takes a beating when it comes to its stereotypical reputation. However, since I have lived there my entire life I know there is much more to the people and the places. It was extremely saddening to me to see the results of this storm and the effects it has had on my neighbors.
It has helped open my eyes even more, though. I am certain these are the last days. I know there is much I need to do to prepare. Despite this unfortunate and terrible disaster, we will all come out stronger and even more prepared for when Christ comes again.