Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life's lessons

A few lessons I learned this week:
Apparently it was cold enough on Friday to wear a Northface jacket. It was 85 degrees...
If you see someone you know on campus, they usually didn't see you. So don't wave. 
Utah fans are pretty stupid. 
Raspberry froyo will always be the best froyo. 
SNL got 4 new cast members... And I'm a little bitter. 
Chick-fil-a two days in a row is worth it. 
Getting homework done early is possible. And being ahead on homework is just brilliance. 
No matter what time of day, there will not be an open computer in the no shh zone...
I gotta find my jacket.
My life gets better every day. I haven't one complaint. 

So yeah, just trudging along while learning and progressing each day. 
It's a good life. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

work hard, play hard.

Yesterday I worked the Legacy Tent during the football game for BYU Catering. While I was handing out soft drinks to guests with a frozen arm from continuously reaching into the cooler of ice, a stranger approached me and handed me an envelope. She told me it was for the smile I kept on my face the whole day while passing out these drinks. I guess she thought that was a pretty difficult task. It was....
Inside the envelope was a $50 gift card to Wal Mart. I couldn't even believe my eyes.
Hard work pays off. Hard work is essential. And if you do your hard work without complaining and even with a smile on your face, it not only will be less hard, but it will get you noticed. Noticed by someone who just happens to have a $50 gift card to Wal Mart in their purse...
It was such a tender mercy to have received that during a tough day on the job. It helped me work harder and want to work harder. It also made me grateful for hard work.
Hard work is good work.