Finding things to write about can be so easy it's difficult...
I could easily ramble on about my first week back at school.
Or the fact that my car died and needed to be towed today.
I could complain about all that is wrong in life, like being out of fruit snacks or the fact it's so cold in this apartment (I live a hard life, tis true...).
But maybe instead I'll briefly touch on what I really learned this week. Or at least gained better perspective on:
Sometimes the things you need to do aren't going to be easy. Actually, probably always.
And sometimes, the outcome will hurt others and maybe even yourself.
But, if you truly feel that it's something you need to do, you can't second guess yourself. You can't weigh the options of how you can avoid other's feelings and choose a different route.
When you come to a full-hearted decision, after much thought and consideration and you know what is the right thing to do... go with that thing.
Sometimes it's going to be downright terrible. But, in the end, will be completely worth it.
Just some food-for-thought!
Now if I could only maintain this mindset...